Discover Altea with our Free guided tours. Last week! OnThursday 8 th we will discover Altea la Vella and on Friday 9 th the old town of Altea. All the information is published in the following link On Tuesday 6th, you have a chance to learn about artisan fishing with The Fishermen’s Route, guided boat trip and visit to the fishing port. More information on this link There is also a time for sports this week, on Wednesday 7 th and Friday 9 th of August Snorkel guided tours will take place. Wednesday they will visit the coast from the beach of La Olla, while Friday they will start at the beach of El Mascarat. In both cases the output will be at 09:45 hours. Limited places. More information and reservations Greenwichdiving – Diving Centre, telephone 966 881 457 (required for control and safety issue). More information on this link. On Friday 9 th at 20,30 h. concert of music by Sociedad Recreativa Musical d’Altea la Vella and the Banda Sinfónica de la Sociedad Filarmónica Alteanense in Palau Altea (free entry and limited to capacity of the room). The cultural offer in Altea completes with the exhibition Casal Fester Museum, where Moors and Christians show their finery in the Casa de Cultura at the 14 Pont de Montcau Street (open Monday to Friday from 10 to 14 h and from 17 to 20 h – admission free) and with the Museo Parroquial de la Iglesia de Ntra. Sra. del Consuelo, where you can admire liturgical objects such as chalices, chasubles and parish books of great historical value that come to date from the year 1640 (the exhibition will be open Tuesday to Saturday from 10:30 to 13:30 and 16:30 to 18:30 hours – more on this link).