Visit Altea

Restaurante Ca Toni


From the 16th to the 25th of February, Altea celebrates “El Plat de Calent”, gastronomic days in which the dish “with spoon” is the protagonist. Besides eating more than good, you can win fantastic prizes. They participate in total nine restaurants, three from Altea la Vella and six from Altea. Altea organizes various gastronomic tours […]

PLAT DE CALENT Leer Completo »


The Puerto Luis Campomanes is situated on the edge of the town of Altea Calpe, next to Morro de Toix. Marina is also known as for its proximity to Greenwich meridian. The views from the Port are magnificent. While you take something in one of the terraces, you can see the cliffs, sea or part of Altea and Benidorm.



The year was 1989, when a group of friends decided to create and fund the ALTEA VOLLEYBALL CLUB, following concerns that several of them had taken a course after coaching this sport. The idea was to start a club very excited to offer a new alternative to sports in Altea. Headlining that group of friends



Portosenso lives around the port in complete harmony and coherence, so that you can enjoy the sea inside and outside the home. Those who love water sports will enjoy the convenience of having a mooring in the Portosenso urbanization, a few meters from your home.


Mostra d’Artesania d’Altea

Every summer, since 1983, the old town of Altea, the Plaza de la Iglesia in particular, has been restored to life on the street by a large group of artisans who make up the Mostra d’Artesania.
The Mostra, turned into one of the icons of summer nights, is next to the Fira del Xicotet Format and LasBalconades a sufficiently solvent proposal to visit Altea.

Mostra d’Artesania d’Altea Leer Completo »

Cala de la Barra

Rock Creek with an average occupancy. This beach has over 50
meters long and of width about 7. And is located near the Marina.
Although it is a cove which must be accessed on foot, his journey is worth it for
who owns the magnificent views.
Type: rock / gravel
Meters: 50 approx.
Disabled Access: No
Service / Food: No
water sports
Children: not accessible

Cala de la Barra Leer Completo »

Playa Cap Blanc

It is a semi-urban beach gravel and sand with high occupation during the summer months. Ideal to go with your children as often swell calm and has a kilometer long and 20 meters wide. Summer has renting facilities for water sports equipment Type: rock and sand Meters: 1,000 Handicapped access: YES Service / Food: YES Water sports: YES Children: YES

Playa Cap Blanc Leer Completo »

Playa Cap Negret

It is one of the longest beaches in Altea since it has almost 2 km
long. This beach is over 10 meters wide and consists of gravel
sand. It is usually a quiet beach even in August, where you can
long walks, practice water sports, rent a scooter or eat
in one of its bars.
Type: gravel / sand
Meters: 2,000 approx.
Disabled Access: No
Service / Food: YES
Water sports: YES
Children: Yes

Playa Cap Negret Leer Completo »

Cala del Soio

A small cove of rock 120 meters long and 10 wide.
With calm waters and allow the bather to enjoy diving because
no great influx.
Type: Rock Creek
Meters: 120
Disabled Access: NO
Service / Food: No
water sports
Children: No

Cala del Soio Leer Completo »

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