Castell de l'Olla

On 8 August 2019 the image of the ONCE coupon will Olla Castle

Promotion of the Castell de l’Olla

The Councilor for Tourism, Anna Alvado, reported that next year, specifically on August 8, the image that appears on the coupons will of the ONCE Castle Olla. One success after several months of negotiations between the Department of Tourism and the National Organization of Spanish Blind, since this organization has the opportunity each year to include an image in their coupons for popular songs, traditions, events , others.

“In May he sent a report Castle Olla and photographs with our proposal and now we have reported that it has been accepted,” said the mayor of the area, which has highlighted the “significant impact for promotional Altea, and the castle itself Olla, suppose that the coupon Once the porte printed a picture of the most important tourist event in our town. ”

The president of the Brotherhood of Castell de l’Olla, Gorgoll Jose Perez said that “from the Brotherhood want to thank the initiative of the Department of Tourism to process the issuance of coupon ONCE, which will spread the values cultural Castle in the country as a manifestation of the highest order in our country. ”

Note that the daily raffle coupon ONCE issued 5,500,000 units with their images, giving national advertising, in this case, the 33 edition of the Castell de l’Olla.

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