The preliminary festivity acts of Altea start!

The preliminary festivity acts of Altea start!

On Saturday the preliminary festivity acts of Altea will take place at 21h., Plaza del Agua, where the acts of the festivities will be presented. (brochure link)

Moreover, we can enjoy all week with the Mostra d’Artesania (Handicrafts fair), located in Church Square from 19:30 to 24:00 (brochure) also of the Balconades d’Altea, an exhibition of paintings by artists of the area which are hung on the balconies of the houses, in the Church Square, and adjacent streets (booklet). In the street Portal Vell, you can enjoy the Fira the Xicotet Format, where various artists from Altea show their plastic pieces of art from 20 hours till 1 am (brochure)

Another of the samples that we can enjoy from Monday to Sunday is the Art Mirant la Mar, located on Passeig Mediterrani, from 18:30 to 00:30 hours from Monday to Thursday and until 01:30 from Friday to Sunday.

The cultural offer in Altea completes with the Casal Fester Museum, where Moors and Christians show their finery in the House of Culture at the Montcau 14 Pont Street (open Monday to Friday from 10 to 14 h and from 17 to 20 h – admission free). Also with the Museo Parroquial de la Iglesia de Ntra. Sra. del Consuelo, where you can admire liturgical objects such as chalices, chasubles and parish books of great historical value that come to date from the year 1640 (the exhibition will be open from 10:30 to 13:30 and 16:30 to 18:30 hours – more on this link) and the exhibition of Raül Botella, which will remain open until September 6th, in the Exhibition Hall Toni Fuster – Schlotter Foundation from Monday to Sunday from 19:00 to 23:00 hours (additional information in the link above).

Of course, we are not short of music in Altea this week. On Thursday 20th of August, from 21:00 hours, we can enjoy the music with the program Nits al So de l’Aigua, that will bring this week the performance of ORIENCO Más allá del Flamenco (more information in the link). And on Sunday 23th of August, from 22:00 hours, Nit d’Havaneres at Square at Alcoy Street (free entry).

There is also a time for sports this week, on Wednesday 19th and Friday 21th of August Snorkel guided tours will take place. Wednesday will visit the coast from the beach of Cap Negret, while Friday will start at La Solsida Beach. In both cases the output will be at 10:00 hours. Limited places. More information and reservations Greenwichdiving – Diving Centre, telephone 966 881 457 (required for control and safety issue). (more on this link)

And do not fail to meet Altea with our free tours! On Thursday 20th discover Altea la Vella and on Friday 21th, the old town of Altea. All the information is published on the following link.

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