The discrete Solsida a neighboring cove marina Porto Senso. It is a peaceful and serene beauty where water is generally found to be quiet shelter from winds from the north. A good place to go with family and, of course, for a simple snorkel its shallow because funds typically enjoy good visibility. Upon entering the water begins a sandy bottom, little by little, is covering the grass Cymodocea nodosa that eventually combined with the alga Padina pavonica and Caulerpa prolifera. It is very easy to get around this fund, which is less than 2m deep-and where we find species from algal and soft bottoms, as Pelaya elusive, almost invisible and no less skilled in camouflage, sepia. In algar and grasslands small fish and crustaceans find refuge being remarkable abundance of thrushes, julias and maidens. So we can entertain long time but we can also approach the islet about 200 yards offshore we offer a belt of lush seagrass around with the incessant pacer banks or shoals of salps, and then the peculiar hard bottom biotope , with balconies on the faults of the island and the beautiful backlighting that draws an elongated window in the submerged rock excavated. This will be easier to meet other fish like serrano and molluscs such as the octopus, and after surrounding the island can safely return to the starting point and continue to enjoy this fabulous location.